domingo, 27 de fevereiro de 2011

Still going strong!

Last Friday I was invited with my husband to celebrate 25 years working at the community. It was a rather big ceremony with a lot of people who were in the same situation from different departments. The evening was very nice with entertainment, good food and speeches.
The temperature is much better now here and I hope we don't get any more snow,because we have more than enough.
Hugs to everybody from Ruth

Still going strong!

quinta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2011

Preparation before the hair and fashion show

Hi everybody. Here are some pictures I took before the show started. Then I had my place between 2 drop curtains, give sign to Emelie when the time was ok for the models to entre the stages. The girls did an amazing job and it was a succéss. Anna did a perfect compere job and Carina was a super fashion model.

quarta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2011

Happy to see you soon

Toonight I´m going to be with our students at thier hair och fashion show. I will show some clothes from one of the best shops in this town. I will do it together with the english teatcher Bia. I hope we will have a nice evening and get a lof of money for the project.

The winther will never stop but I like snow so there´s just to enjoy the winther as long as it lasts.
Hugs from Carina

quinta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2011

To my dear friends :D

Ann-Sofie & Carina (getting parking ticket)
Rebecka ( now with red hair !)

Jannika & Kornelia

Josefin & Hanna

Emmy H & Ida

Therese , Emmy S & Lisa

Parking outside Parkskolan...snow..

Parkskolan sign wintertime !

The entré we use to go into

Hello everybody ! Soon it´s Valentines day :D ! Don´t forget to be lovely with your near and dear one´s!! I´m showing some pictures from our students companies . The 16th of feb. we are having this big hair and fashion show that will help our project a bit ! Hope you all are fine. ( and don´t be afraid of writing here !) huuuugs Anna

quarta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2011

Hair Spa

This evening I´m going to remain at school with some students of the group that are involved in the project. They are going to have Hair Spa for some customers to collect money for the project. We do this every second week. A nice experiece for the students and a nice time for the customers. Candels, yogamusic, some grapes, dim light, scampoo and a nice hairmask followed by a mild massage of the scalp. A nice moment ending the day of work or school...up here in the dark and cold Sweden.

Love from us to our Brazilian friends.

sexta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2011

Brazil-soon we will be there

Finally we can look forward to send the second group to Brazil and then welcome the group from Brazil. I´m so excited and I´m only worried about the flight. Anyway, you always come one way or another. Hmm.